Pemberi : leena vs s!s
Penerima : aina bazilah @ cUte sis..huhu
Ucapan : thanks for dis!!^_~
Award rules :
1. Insert this badge or the pic above to inform u have been awarded.
2. Make sure u take the pic n said it is from.
3. You should tell 10 facts or hobbies about yourself.
4. You should choose 5 other bloggers (easier the ones who follow you) and tell their names in your blog
5. Dont forget to go to their blog and tell them they have been tagged !!!
;;Tentang Aina;;
1. Nama sebenar Aina Bazilah Ramlee
2. Asyik makan jer…tp berat payah benar nak bertambah..hOhO =P
3. Like tomyam, aiskrim n coklat~~yummy2..
4. Anak ke-2~ade sOrang kakak yg kurus..haha.. N 4 adik perempuan..no boys in my siblings…
5. sUke bersUkan..track/long distant..jUmp rOpe 4 heart..hOckey..
6. Pegang pada janji n xsUke Org yg lewat2 kalu Urgent~terhegeh2 cam anak itik..
7. Suke buat keje last minit…so, bile der dateline baru nk siapkan keje..huhu..dat’s me…urmm..dlm prOses nk ubah tabiat ni..huhu=))
8. Sayang mereka2 yg menyayangi aina..hehe..family first..n my luV..huhu..
9. Like laugh n smiLe..huhu =)
10. sUke bace maGazines~tgk2 fashiOn..yeah!!
;;Award neh dipanjangkan kepada;;
❀ jenguk sudah,tekan sudah,baca sudah,kOmen je belum =) ❀